Toby and Sussan Zappia, are a devoted couple committed to sharing the love of Jesus. Their fervor for God radiates through every facet of their lives, driving a mission to empower fellow Christians on their faith journey. Firmly believing that a closer relationship with God unlocks a fulfilling life, Toby and Sussan are dedicated to providing tools and knowledge for believers to deepen their relationship with God.

As the founders of Christian Journal Co, an initiative focused on empowering Christians through insightful journals, Toby and Sussan infuse their deep-rooted faith into their work. These journals serve as a potent resource for personal reflection, spiritual growth, and a profound understanding of Christian principles. The couple's steadfast commitment to their beliefs is apparent in their content creation, where they channel their passion to resonate with the Christian community.

Join Toby and Sussan Zappia on their podcast, "What God Has Done," inspired by Psalm 77:11-12: "I will remember the deeds of the Lord; yes, I will remember your miracles of long ago. I will consider all your works and meditate on all your mighty deeds." This podcast, born from the transformative insights in their journal "What God Has Done", takes listeners on a journey deep into incredible miracles that showcase God's love and power.



We have a podcast called "What God Has Done" available on all major platforms


Our mission is to empower Christians in their faith journey through the provision of journals. We understand the importance of nurturing and strengthening one's relationship with God, and our journals serve as a valuable tool to achieve that. Each journal is carefully crafted to inspire and encourage personal reflection, prayer, and scripture study. By engaging with these journals, Christians are able to deepen their understanding of the teachings of Christ and develop a closer connection with Him. Our aim is to equip believers with the resources they need to grow spiritually and live a life rooted in faith. Through the power of journaling, we believe that Christians can experience transformation, find guidance, and draw closer to God.

Allowing you to explore and understand your relationship with God on a deeper level.

Creating a dedicated space for purposeful prayer, deepening your connection with God.

Equip believers with the resources needed to grow spiritually, and deepen their relationship with Jesus.